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Crypto ready: what must you HODL to reach the moon in 2022?

Bringing the best out of anything we put ourselves in takes a whole lot of work mentally, emotionally etc. It most definitely applies in the crypto space as well. Speak to anyone who has been in the community for a while and they all say the same thing “crypto is not for the feint-hearted”. There are values we must HODL, build and develop in the crypto community. Regardless if it’s trading currencies/NFTs, getting airdrops, investing, staking/farming, bull/bear market etc. these are the values I think would keep our energy always in a position to win as we enter into 2022:


As long as crypto is concerned, patience is number one. Whether it’s trading or hodling, we need to be patient or we would get wrekd! We see a lot of people wanting to get into crypto with a mindset of making so much in the shortest time. It’s normal for us to want that but even to be able to pull it off, we still need patience. This is something that takes cautious effort to build and will definitely be worthwhile when built. What I like about crypto is that one way or another you will learn that patience lol! “If you can’t hodl, you won’t be rich” translates to If you’re not patient you’re NGMI.


It’s just as important as patience. Persistence is very crucial especially when events that could weigh us down happen. Like taking a huge loss on a trade, missed opportunities, making mistakes that may lead to losses, wallets getting hacked, exchanges folding up with your coins stuck. I remember when I tried to buy my first NFT. I was so convinced that the collection will do well so I tried to mint a piece for as low as 0.0025 ETH. Unfortunately, the collection sold out before I could mint, so I tried buying on opensea at 0.02 ETH floor price. Unfortunately again, the gas fees related with activating my wallet and purchasing had taken most of my ETH. So in summary, I missed the opportunity to mint for cheap and sell at almost 10X, had no NFT, little money left and paid outrageous fees, just to get right back to where I started. I just began to laugh, I realized I messed up by not understanding what came along with buying that NFT. This experience can make anyone with a weak mental health want to quit and never go back, but building persistence would allow us learn from our mistakes and go harder next time.


Be optimist. Being patient and persistent is already hard enough, let’s not add negativity to it. We already know the life changing impact crypto has had on thousands of people across the globe. Being negative will just be shooting ourselves in the foot. As I’ve said in my previous articles, crypto is still just gaining momentum. There’s so much to look forward to in the coming years for crypto. Asides from making massive gains, there’ll be more opportunities to do more with our crypto in the community.

In conclusion

Our mental health is the most important thing to protect in this space. Getting into the new year with a strong mentality would be a great start, holding onto the same mentality throughout the year is the main task. Consistently committing to our goals, while strongly holding onto our strong mentality, will set us up for the most talked about place in crypto.