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The Best Cryptocurrencies to buy this Autumn

“Building a great product is a creative, chaotic process which you won’t get right every time, so you have to also be learning from success and failure.” 

⚖️ To have good times, sometimes we have to be patient in the bad times. To earn more during the bull market, sometimes we have to be patient during the bear market. The only one rule and principle I have in my life. That’s it.

💲 Warren Buffet, one of the most prolific investors alive, started his investing at age 11 in 1941 when the SP500 was in a bear market that bottomed out at -35% in 1942. Since then, he has traded through a cycle of 13 bear markets, and he has increased his investing activity during each of these bear markets. In his view, it is best to buy quality assets when the prices are cheap and this strategy has served him well over the years. The average bear market lasts 289 days. The longest bear market took 929 days while the shortest took 33 days in March 2020. How long will the current bear market last? Well, nobody knows.

📌 Well, thanks to the combination of macroeconomic pressures like inflation and the broad losses suffered by retail speculators, the big challenge for this bear market — and an unknown that I find myself considering for the first time in my decade covering crypto — is making sure there even is another bull market. In the unprecedented bull market from 2020 to 2022, a critical mass of retail investors was enticed by the past returns of the asset class.

🔍 And then, by and large, retail got severely burned, by the bursting of a transitory bubble (BTC and ETH) or, far worse, by the collapse of deeply flawed and even fraudulent projects. There will be a lot more real end-user services and products to add to that list. Some won’t come along until the technology has advanced further, whether in terms of throughput or user interface. But the industry needed them yesterday. One final clear advantage of a bear market is that, with speculators in retreat, it’s much easier to find and test the demand for real products that offer real benefits. That’s the task that lies before blockchain entrepreneurs right now.

⬇️ Also, according to the article of Forbes:

💭“The high inflation environment has pressured consumer budgets as households spend more income on highly-priced food and energy bills, thereby leaving them with less disposable income. This has affected companies selling discretionary products as consumer demand has slowed down. In addition, investors were left with less money to buy risky assets such as stocks and cryptocurrencies. The war in Ukraine, coupled with the OPEC+ policy of tightening supply, has caused oil and gas prices to skyrocket. This has resulted in higher manufacturing costs and, as a result, higher retail prices. According to a recent article by Caroline Valetkevitch on Reuters, huge companies like Amazon and Netflix have missed earnings expectations due to the effect of high oil prices.”

How long Bitcoin traders expect the bear market to last?

⬇️ Informed by the Cointelegraph’s article:

💬 “Bitcoin maximalists tend to look toward the Bitcoin halving as an indicator to predict the next bull run. Examining history, BTC has formed a peak within 18 months of each Bitcoin block reward halving. In the past, Bitcoin’s halving has preceded crypto bull runs, as indicated in the above graph. So, BTC maxis who contend the halving schedule directly impacts the bullish or bearish nature of Bitcoin might be correct. The 2022 bear market is unique due to several reasons. First, key macroeconomic variables such as high interest rates and soaring inflation increased its impact. As well, the Terra-LUNA crash and high leverage throughout the entire crypto ecosystem contributed to the onset of the bear run.Remarkably, this is the first bear market in which there is a correlation between the stock market and Bitcoin, with a correlation rate of over 0.6 in July 2022, according to Coin Metrics data. It is also the first time that the value of BTC has fallen below the previous cycle peak, with the value of BTC falling below $17,600.

Top 5 perspectives cryptocurrencies to Watch Out For in 2022

1️⃣ XRP (XRP)

🔵 Market cap: £39 billion

XRP aims to be a fast, cost-efficient cryptocurrency for cross-border payments. Created by some of the same founders as Ripple, a digital technology and payment processing company, XRP can be used on that network to transact exchanges of different currency types, including fiat currencies and other major cryptocurrencies.

2️⃣ Cardano (ADA)

🔵 Market cap: £12 billion

Later to the crypto scene, Cardano is notable for its early embrace of “proof-of-stake” validation. This is the second (along with ‘proof-of-work’, see Bitcoin above) of two major consensus mechanisms that cryptocurrencies use to verify new transactions, add them to the blockchain, and create new tokens.This method hastens transaction times and reduces energy usage and environmental impact by removing the competitive, problem-solving aspect of transaction verification that exists via platforms such as Bitcoin.Cardano also works like Ethereum to enable smart contracts and decentralized applications, powered by ADA, its native coin.

3️⃣ TRON (TRX)

🔵 Market cap: 5.789B

If you’re looking for the best cryptocurrency to invest in for decentralized content creation, look no further than TRON. TRON is an open-source blockchain network that functions similarly to Ethereum because it has smart contract functionality and can host dApps. However, TRON aims to allow content creators to cut out the middleman, such as YouTube or TikTok, and connect directly with consumers.

As a Proof-of-Stake blockchain, investors can purchase TRX, TRON’s native token, and stake it to generate a passive income stream. TRX is also great from a speculative standpoint, as the network is now compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing a high degree of interoperability between the chains. Finally, TRON has even partnered with Samsung on blockchain-based projects, highlighting its credibility within the space.

4️⃣ Polkadot (DOT)

🔵 Market cap: £6.5 billion

Launched in 2020, Polkadot is a crypto project aiming to integrate various blockchain networks so that they can work together. Between its launch and October 2022, Polkadot’s price has risen from £2.15 to around £5.56.

5️⃣ WhiteBIT Token (WBT)

🔵 Market cap: $751,233

WBT is the ticker of a to-be-launched in-house token of WhiteBIT, a leading European cryptocurrency exchange. Its main goal will be to provide convenient interoperability among the platform’s projects and create attractive conditions for the exchange users through reduced fees, bonuses, and holding opportunities.WhiteBIT Token is a utility token designed to provide a user-friendly environment throughout the WhiteBIT ecosystem. The total supply of tokens is limited to 400 mln WBT. Less than one month later, WBT was listed on Huobi, reached an ATH of $13.88, and attracted a record amount of attention. Recently, the exchange announced the listing of WBT on the third (besides WhiteBIT itself) exchange that is in the top-10 exchanges on CoinMarketCap, Gate.io.

Why the cryptocurrency failed in 2022?

⛔️ Crypto projects and lack of adaptability

🔻 It has happened throughout history: even the best things can become obsolete overnight. To stay on track, you should always be on the lookout for trends and be able to predict where the entire industry, or at least your sector, is headed. Think about how your project solution could be changed or expanded. Learn from your more successful competitors and pay attention to what industry leaders are talking about, but don’t fall for the hype.

⛔️ Ineffective marketing

🔻 Create a strong presence on popular websites and social media platforms. Another critical component is creating informative blog posts and other content that uses the right keywords and helps you rank high on search engine results pages. It takes time and effort to ensure that you are visible and that potential customers can find you. However, if done correctly, marketing your company online can be a great way to reach a large number of people at a low cost.

⛔️ Crypto projects and Zero monetization

🔻 Many crypto startups don’t win simply because they cannot demonstrate how to monetize their idea. Without a clear path to revenue, it is hard to attract the attention and funding necessary to sustain a project. Additionally, many projects overestimate the utility of their token or coin.

Venture capitalists are not likely to back a project if there isn’t a clear long-term plan. You can’t promise exact returns, but you can at least show what you’ll do with the money, what stages the project will go through, and so on.

How to invest during a Bear Market?

🟦 Yield farming

➡️ Yield farming is a way to earn interest on volatile cryptocurrencies as well as stablecoins. This is a common strategy employed by whales as they wait for market prices to bottom in a bear market. During these uncertain times, it’s best to stick to battle-tested DeFi protocols (e.g. Aave, Compound) to minimize your chances of falling victim to unsustainable yields, smart contract hacks and collapsing stablecoins.

🟦 Shorting

➡️ Shorting involves betting that the price of an asset is going to go down by placing a sell order on the futures market. While this strategy can reward you handsomely during bear markets, it is also the riskiest one because your entire investment can get liquidated if the trade goes against you. Alternatively, you can buy the ProShares Bitcoin Short ETF to go short while removing your risk of liquidation.

🟦 Dollar-cost averaging

➡️ Most crypto investors shouldn’t try to beat the market by actively trading, as it’s a 24/7 job that could wreck your portfolio. The simplest, and surest bear market strategy is to dollar-cost average into blue chip cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. By buying tiny amounts on a regular basis, you can lower your portfolio’s volatility and make insane gains when the bull cycle returns with a vengeance.

🟦 Staking

Bear markets are a reminder of the importance of holding tokens to generate passive income. Staking can be a great way to generate income, as well as increase your position in a project.

➡️ Staking is the process of locking your coins on a particular platform to gain interest. Most platforms provide two options: flexible staking (withdraw at any time) or fixed staking (where you commit your assets for a set period, like one month or more). Tokens can be staked on centralized platforms such as Crypto.com, Kucoin, Bybit or WhiteBIT. I usually prefer the USDT SMART plan for a period of 360 days and with a 30% interest rate in the WhiteBIT exchange. It has a lot of advantages like: it is suitable for everyone, without the need to purchase expensive equipment; staking investments are considered low-risk; the original investment amount is protected and will be returned with a profit.

🖇 So, there is no secret formula for generating money during a bear market, but there are several techniques that investors may employ to safeguard their investments and even make some money. In any case, buying low and selling high may be an ideal way to make money from market downturns.